Achieve and maintain PCI Compliance

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If your business accepts, transmits, or stores card payment data through the phone, online, or physical scanning, you are required to meet Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) regulations. PCI Compliance applies to any company of any size; however, different merchant levels based on transaction number per year apply.

PCI compliance is not a one-time exam, but an ongoing process that works to protect your company and your customers. Businesses are required to submit quarterly scans to ensure there are no failing vulnerabilities found and that data is safe. WSM can help you meet PCI compliance by identifying and resolving your vulnerabilities.

How we help businesses achieve and maintain PCI compliance

Using proprietary, sophisticated scanning tools, WSM can find and fix your vulnerabilities. We perform comprehensive penetration testing in application and infrastructure layers to determine accessibilities between networks, servers, and numerous types of attack vectors. WSM will provide detailed information for each vulnerability uncovered, including suggested remediation or mitigation steps for sufficient and strong security controls.

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  • ready for the pci deadline

Is Your Business Ready for the Upcoming PCI Compliance Deadline?

If your e-commerce business processes payments with cards on your website and you haven’t yet met requirements for use of modern encryption (TLS 1.1 and 1.2), then come June 30, 2018, your business will be in violation of the PCI Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). Find out how you can take action now.