What are Managed Services and How Can They Help Your Business

With the increase of cloud adoption and small internet businesses recently, many IT professionals and consultants started calling themselves “managed service providers” and began providing what is now called “managed services” to companies of all sizes. Many business owners and IT managers have found themselves asking, “What are managed services?” so we thought we'd answer.

2018-08-15T08:13:30-04:00August 15th, 2018|Managed Services, WSM for Business|

How to Get Your Cloud Migration Strategy Right the First Time

It’s hard to find an organization at the enterprise level that has not yet breached the cloud; however, many small and mid-sized businesses have yet to adopt. For those that haven’t made the leap, getting their cloud migration strategy right the first time is the key to satisfaction. No one wants to be a part of the other 73% of people who were frustrated with the results of their cloud migration strategy.

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