Industry analysts 451 Research recently published the report, “Cloud is Driving Shift in Security Spending.” The report is based on a survey of more than 500 enterprise technology and IT professionals and does an excellent job of summarizing the security spending trends we’re seeing with our customers as well. 

Trends within the report include the following:

1. Security spending budgets continue to rise fueled by highly-publicized security breaches. In 2018, they are set to go up 17%.

2. Security is less of an inhibitor to the hosted cloud than in the past.

3. There is an information security skills shortage making hiring and retention difficult. This is creating opportunities for companies like WSM that provide services to fill the gap in resources.

4. Security team’s most challenging issue is user behavior.

Our CEO, Ryan Pelerin, really nailed this in his 2018 predictions saying “Adoption of cloud brings a new level of attention to security.” He observes that now it’s common for enterprises to build security testing into their budgets and the root cause of many security problems is human error requiring more focus on employee training programs.

To help, WSM offers comprehensive security scans of websites and hosting servers to identify potential security vulnerabilities and prevention against future attacks, along with penetration testing services to assess IT security vulnerabilities and help protect data. We can also help with employee training – from the executive suite to the receptionist.

We’ve found that remedying a compromised server cost 3 times as much as preventive measures. Security is best managed by proactive measures that can be a fraction of the cost when compared with reacting to a security event that causes business disruption.