The CSO (Chief Security Officer) magazine article, 8 hot cyber security trends (and 4 going cold), takes a look at the constantly-changing landscape of IT security with advice from security pros, including WSM CTO, Jeremy Steinert, where Jeremy discusses managed security services.

One hot security trend is companies assigning the responsibility of security to experts that provide managed security services like WSM. Jeremy is quoted in the article talking about this shift to managed security services, especially in the mid-market where companies don’t necessarily need a full-time security engineer to monitor and secure their network. He says, “Instead, they look to a managed security offering. This way, they have the benefit of 24/7 security monitoring and alerting, without the full cost of a security engineer to manage it for them.”

Read more of the article here.

Gartner predicts that spending on these outsourcing security services will grow significantly by 2019. With increasingly complex threats and a shortage of IT security talent, businesses look for outside experts to close the gap in both expertise and resources.

To help with your cyber-survival, WSM offers comprehensive security scans of websites and hosting servers to identify potential security vulnerabilities and prevention against future attacks, along with penetration testing services to assess IT security vulnerabilities and help protect data.