In our last blog post, we said that automation alone is not enough for a successful cloud migration.

Now, we’re going to equivocate and tell you that moving workloads over to the cloud doesn’t have to be difficult either. Heck, we’ve done more than 100,000 of them.

Our best advice based on our experience is to invest time up front to adequately plan and prepare for the migration. That will greatly improve your odds for executing a smooth transition.

Part of the planning process involves understanding the motivation and internal factors driving the migration. You’ll want to make a comprehensive inventory of the applications, websites, workloads, databases, and other services that require migration to the cloud. This exercise not only determines what needs to be moved, but what does not need to be moved – like outdated applications and redundant data.

Have a contingency plan so you’ve got a viable rollback strategy in the event the go-live execution encounters problems.

The rest is just execution. There are plenty of great automation tools to help in the process … oh, and let us give you a hand. It’s what we do every day, not something that you’ll need to do once in a ‘blue moon’. I’ll translate that for you, it means something that happens every two to three years.